
The following is the list of the spirits from the ARMS series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. All of the spirits use their artwork from ARMS. As part of Challenger Pack 6, additional spirits were added alongside the release of Min Min as part of the Version 8.0.0 update.

Primary Spirits[edit]

No.ImageNameTypeClassSlotBase Max Base Max Base Max AbilityAcquisition
1,287Spring Man★★★⬡⬡⬡2,8588,5792,0626,1876872,062Fist Attack ↑•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,288Ribbon Girl★★⬡⬡1,4855,9446142,4588143,258Fist Attack ↑•Summon with cores from Elite Beat Divas and ChuChu
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,289Min Min★★★⬡⬡2,8388,5581,5614,7071,2773,851No Effect•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
1,415Master Mummy★★1,9027,6386012,4141,1944,792Strong Throw•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,417Byte & Barq⬡⬡⬡1,0755,3874832,4195132,569Water Weakness•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,418Kid Cobra★★★⬡⬡3,0659,2231,8285,4991,1203,370Speed ↑•Battle via DLC Spirit Board

Support Spirits[edit]

1,290Twintelle★★Air Defense ↑•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,291Ninjara★★Move Speed ↑•Summon with cores from Shinobu and Shadow Man
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,416Mechanica★★⬢⬢Weapon Resist ↑•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
1,419HelixTransformation Duration ↑•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
1,420Max Brass★★★★⬢⬢⬢Critical Super Giant•Battle via DLC Spirit Board

Fighter Spirit[edit]

No.ImageAlternate ArtworkNameAcquisition
1,414Min Min (Fighter)•Complete Classic Mode with Min Min
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after downloading Min Min)

Spirit Battles[edit]

Note: The Spirit Battles for Ribbon Girl and Ninjara can only be accessed if Challenger Pack 9 has been purchased and downloaded
SpiritBattle parametersInspiration
No.ImageNameEnemy Fighter(s)TypePowerStageRulesConditionsMusic
1,287Spring Man•Mii Brawler (Moveset 2333, Spring Man Mask, Spring Man Outfit, Normal Voice Type 3)9,300Boxing RingN/A•The enemy's punches and elbow strikes have increased power
•The enemy has increased jump power
Title Theme - Wii Sports Club
  • The Mii Brawler's costume represents Spring Man, the main protagonist of ARMS, with the Mii Brawler's moveset referencing Spring Man's moveset in ARMS.
  • The stage references ARMS being a boxing game. The ropes on the ring can be used as trampolines, similar to the springboards in Spring Stadium.
  • This spirit's Fist Attack ↑ ability and battle conditions represent the gameplay mechanics of ARMS which include punching and jumping.
1,288Ribbon Girl•Mii Brawler (Moveset 2222, Ribbon Girl Mask, Ribbon Girl Outfit)3,600Spring Stadium (Battlefield form)N/A•The enemy has an extra midair jumpRibbon RingSpirit Battle trivia:
  • The Mii Brawler's costume represents Ribbon Girl, with the Mii Brawler's moveset referencing Ribbon Girl's moveset in ARMS.
  • The music references Ribbon Girl's affiliated stage, Ribbon Ring.
  • The Additional Midair Jump battle condition references Ribbon Girl's ability to perform multiple mid-air jumps.
Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Grab type references Ribbon Girl's high grab damage stats.
  • This spirit's Fist Attack ↑ ability references Ribbon Girl utilizing punching attacks.
1,289Min Min•Corrin9,300New Pork City (Ω form)N/A•The enemy favors special moves
•The enemy has increased attack power when badly damaged
•The enemy has increased move speed
Dragon Driftway
  • Corrin and Min Min both are both able to turn their arms into dragons and elongate them to attack from afar with them.
  • The stage features the paifang in the background, a Chinese architectural arch which references Min Min's Chinese heritage.
  • The music references Dragon Driftway from Mario Kart 8, a raceway which features a similar Chinese motif as Min Min's Ramen Bowl stage in ARMS, as well as an image of Gobblegut, a green serpentine dragon from Super Mario Galaxy which resembles Min Min's Dragon ARM. The music itself is also composed by Atsuko Asahi, who worked on the music for ARMS.
  • Corrin's frequent Dragon Fang Shot references Min Min's Dragon ARM, which can fire a laser from its mouth, and her left ARM's ability to transform into a Dragon ARM.
1,290Twintelle•Bayonetta3,700New Donk City HallN/A•The enemy's smash attacks have increased power
•The enemy favors smash attacks
•The enemy starts the battle with a Drill
New Donk City
  • Bayonetta and Twintelle both share a very feminine figure, the ability to slow down their opponents' attacks, and a heavy European accent on their speech (French for Twintelle and British English for Bayonetta).
  • The stage references Twintelle's affiliated stage, Cinema Deux, which features a metropolitan city setting.
  • Bayonetta starting off with a Drill references the Parasol, one of Twintelle's standard ARMS.
  • Bayonetta's favored smash attacks reference both Bayonetta and Twintelle using their hair as giant fists to attack their opponents.
1,291Ninjara•Greninja3,600Suzaku Castle•Item: Boomerang•The enemy has increased move speedNinja College
  • Greninja, without DLC, and Ninjara are both ninjas.
  • The Mii Brawler's costume, with DLC, represents Ninjara.
  • The stage and music reference Ninjara's affiliated stage, Ninja College, which features a traditional Japanese setting.
  • This spirit's Move Speed ↑ ability and battle condition reference Ninjara's high speed stat.
  • The Boomerang item references the Chakram, one of Ninjara's default ARMS which behaves like a boomerang.
•Mii Brawler (Moveset 2313, Ninjara Wig, Ninjara Outfit)[SB 1]
1,415Master Mummy•Donkey Kong3,400Dracula's Castle (Ω form)N/A•The enemy has super armor but moves slower
•The enemy favors grabs and throws
  • Donkey Kong and Master Mummy are both large, heavyweight fighters with powerful punches.
  • The stage and music reference Master Mummy's affiliated stage, the Mausoleum, which takes place in a spooky setting.
  • This spirit's Shield type and the Slow Super Armor battle condition references Master Mummy's low speed and high endurance stats.
  • This spirit's Strong Throw ability and second battle condition reference Master Mummy's high grab and throw damages.
1,416Mechanica•Giant Wendy (100 HP)3,400Spring StadiumN/A•The enemy has super armor but moves slower
•Stamina battle
•The enemy is giant
  • The Giant Wendy Mechanica are both young girls who pilot and primarily fight with giant mechs featuring mechanical fists and the ability to fly.
  • The music references Mechanica's affiliated stage, Scrapyard.
  • This spirit's Weapons Resist ↑ ability and the Slow Super Armor battle condition reference Mechanica's suit making her a heavyweight with super armor.
  • Wendy starting off with a Rocket Belt references Mechanica's suit having jet propulsion that allows her to hover.
  • The stamina battle condition represents battles in ARMS using HP bars.
1,417Byte & Barq•Mega Man
•Metal Duck Hunt
1,600Spring StadiumN/A•Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy is metal
Buster BeachSpirit Battle trivia:
  • Mega Man and Byte are both autonomous fighters who aim to stop evil and have robotic dogs that they bounce on to gain height.
  • The Dog of the Metal Duck Hunt minion represents Barq, Byte's robotic canine partner.
  • The music references Byte & Barq's affiliated stage, Buster Beach.
Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Water Weakness ability references Byte & Barq's low water resistance stat and hobby of avoiding saltwater, as Byte & Barq are each robots, whose electronic circuitry is susceptible to being damaged from contact with moisture.
1,418Kid Cobra•Min Min8,700Fourside (Battlefield form)•Move Speed ↑
•Item: Bumper
•The enemy has increased move speed when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy starts the battle with a Drill
Snake Park
  • Min Min and Kid Cobra are both playable characters in ARMS.
  • The stage and music reference Kid Cobra's affiliated stage, Snake Park, which features a nighttime metropolitan city setting.
  • This spirit's Speed ↑ ability and battle condition reference Kid Cobra's nickname, 'The Speed Demon', and his high charged dash speed.
  • Min Min starts off with a Drill, referencing one of Kid Cobra's default ARMS, the Hydra.
  • The Bumper item resembles the Clapback, a Shield-type ARMS weapon recommended for Kid Cobra, as well as snakeboards, an element of Kid Cobra's stage, Snake Park.
1,419Helix•Dark Samus1,600Frigate Orpheon•Tiny
•The enemy is giant after a little while
•Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls (Ditto)
  • Dark Samus and Helix are both artificial humanoids created from gelatinous substances.
  • The stage and music reference Helix's affiliated stage, DNA Lab, which features a laboratory setting with contained specimens in transparent tubes.
  • This spirit's Transformation Duration ↑ ability, the Tiny and Giant rules, and the Ditto Poké Ball Pokémon references Helix's gelatinous body, which gives him the ability to alter his size and shape at will.
1,420Max Brass•King K. Rool (180 HP)12,600Norfair (Ω form)•Attack Power ↑
•The enemy is giant when the enemy's at high damage
•Stamina battle
•The enemy has increased attack power when the enemy's at high damage
Sky Arena
  • King K. Rool and Max Brass are both heavyweight fighters with gold-plated super armor.
  • The stage and music reference Max Brass's affiliated stage, Sky Arena, which takes place on a raised platform surrounded by torches.
  • This spirit's Attack type, Critical Super Giant ability, and the Attack Power ↑ and Giant rules reference Max Brass's ability to grow larger and stronger either by charging up or being low in health.
  • The stamina battle condition represents battles in ARMS using HP bars.
  1. ^This alternative occurs when the corresponding DLC has been purchased and downloaded.

Series Order[edit]

1,287Spring ManARMS
1,288Ribbon Girl
1,289Min Min
1,414Min Min (Fighter)
1,415Master Mummy
1,417Byte & Barq
1,418Kid Cobra
1,420Max Brass


  • Min Min is the first spirit character to become a DLC fighter.
  • Interestingly, despite Min Min's challenger pack including the appropriate musical themes for Spring Man, Min Min and Twintelle, as well as the home stage for Spring Man in the form of Spring Stadium, their spirit battles do not change to accomdate them even after purchasing and downloading her pack, with Spring Man's spirit battle still utilizing the Boxing Ring stage while playing Title Theme - Wii Sports Club for the music instead of using Spring Stadium, Min Min's spirit battle still playing Dragon Driftway for the music instead of Ramen Bowl, and Twintelle's spirit battle still utilizing New Donk City for the music instead of Cinema Deux.
  • Despite appearing occasionally on the jumbotron in Spring Stadium, Misango, Lola Pop, Springtron, and Dr. Coyle do not appear as spirits. These characters were added post-launch in ARMS. Max Brass, however, does appear as a spirit despite also being added post-launch, though this may be due to him appearing in the base game as an NPC.
  • Spring Man and Twintelle are the first DLC Spirit Board spirits to appear in the World of Light and on the regular spirit board.
  • Ribbon Girl and Ninjara are the first spirits to gain spirit battles after being previously summon exclusive.
  • ARMS, Ice Climber, and Minecraft are the only series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with a playable character where all spirits originate from the same game.
    • ARMS, F-Zero, and Punch-Out!! are the only series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with a playable character where all spirits use artwork from the same game, respectively being ARMS, F-Zero GX, and the Wii version of Punch-Out!!. This is excluding Ice Climber, which uses sprites, and R.O.B., which uses real-life photographs.
  • Prior to Min Min's release, ARMS spirits were listed as 'Others' spirits, and thus had no series symbol on the spirits list and a generic ellipsis on the party setup. This was changed after the 8.0.0 update.
  • Min Min's primary spirit is the only ARMS spirit that does not appear on the ARMS DLC Spirit Board. This is likely due to Min Min herself being a playable character.
  • All ARMS Spirit Battles that use Mii Brawlers as puppet fighters use Flashing Mach Punch, which references the Rush attack that all ARMS characters can use.
  • ARMS, Minecraft, and Final Fantasy are the only universes introduced as DLC to not have all of their spirit battles use songs from their own universe (not counting Fatal Fury, whose songs from non-Fatal Fury series are still grouped under Fatal Fury in the Sound Test).
  • ARMS and Final Fantasy are the only playable universes that had spirits in the base game to have more DLC spirits than base game spirits.

by categoriesPrimary spirit (Enhanceable spirit) ·Support spirit ·Master spirit ·Fighter spirit · (All spirits) ·DLC Spirits (DLC changes)
by seriesSuper Mario ·Donkey Kong ·The Legend of Zelda ·Metroid ·Yoshi ·Kirby ·Star Fox ·Pokémon ·EarthBound ·F-Zero ·Ice Climber ·Fire Emblem ·Game & Watch ·Kid Icarus ·Wario ·Metal Gear ·Sonic the Hedgehog ·Pikmin ·R.O.B. ·Animal Crossing ·Mega Man ·Wii Fit ·Punch-Out!! ·Pac-Man ·Xenoblade Chronicles ·Duck Hunt ·Street Fighter ·Final Fantasy ·Bayonetta ·Splatoon ·Castlevania ·Persona ·Dragon Quest ·Banjo-Kazooie ·Fatal Fury ·ARMS ·Minecraft ·Mii ·Super Smash Bros. ·Others
FightersMin Min (SSBU)
Assist TrophiesSpring Man
StagesSpring Stadium
OtherARMS Drone ·Master Mummy ·Mechanica ·Ninjara ·Ribbon Girl ·Twintelle
  1. Smash Bros Arms Music
  2. Arms Dlc Smash
  • During today's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate livestream, the game's director Masahiro Sakurai revealed ARMS fighter Min Min will be joining the roster. Min Min is an 18-year old ramen lover who works for the Mintendo Noodle House. Sakurai said that MinMin was requested by ARMS director Kosuke Yabuki.
  • ARMS Rush is Min Min's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros.
  • However, in Smash there is Shield Drop which takes 11 frames in Ultimate. So if all else was equal, you could be as disadvantaged as -11 on an attack and still be 'neutral'. HUGE EXCEPTION: Jump, Up B, and Up Smash out of shield ignore Shield Drop frames. So, since some characters have a 3 frame Up B, -3 would be unsafe against those characters.
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Min Min

Arms was an early Switch game, released in June 2017. Like Smash Bros., it’s a fighting game, although Arms focuses on third-person battles based on long-distance punching.

Height5' 5' (167 cm)
WeightUnimportant (Unknown)
AffiliationMintendo Noodle House (麺昊堂)
StageRamen Bowl
HobbiesEating mom's homemade ramen
Voice ActressHaruna Takatsu
(高津 はる菜)
Official Stats
Dashed lines indicate Dragon Arm
Arm Girth
Love of Ramen
Grab Damage150
Walking Speed100%
Dash Distance100%
Charge Dash Distance100%
Max Charge Time1.6 seconds
Standard ARMS

'Well, get a whiff of that! The one and only 'ramen bomber' has entered the ring. It's Min Min! This young lady proves that 'noodle arms' ain't no joke—They pack a real punch! And don't let her size fool you—Min Min's fighting can kick it with the best of 'em.'

Min Min is a playable fighter in ARMS. She is a martial artist who battles to promote her family's ramen restaurant, the Mintendo Noodle House.


Min Min appears mostly human except for her spiraled irises and her ramen-like hair and ARMS. She has green eyes, blonde hair with straight-cut bangs and a fringe, along with an orange mask. Slices of narutomaki (a Japanese processed fish product sometimes found in ramen) are attached to the upper part of her noodle arms. When fully charged, her left noodle arm transforms into a dragon. She wears an orange beanie shaped like an upside-down ramen bowl, an orange athletic shirt, orange athletic shorts, black calf-length leggings, and green sneakers. Other outfits she wears includes a chef-like version of her outfit consisting of an orange shirt with a small bowtie on the collar, matching shorts and orange leggings as well as an apron with her logo on it and black flat shoes, a white sweater revealing blue bra or undershirt straps and blue jeans along with two of her badges pinned to her hat, as well as a dark orange kimono with white fur on the top, a yellow bow in the back, and a pair of black zōri (Japanese sandals) with orange straps. She's also shown to wear her hair in a ponytail with a green hairband and into a loose bun held by a green chopstick with a narutomaki on it.


Smash Bros Arms
'A member of ramen royalty, she hails from the famed Mintendo Noodle House! Her spicy kicks are known to knock down her opponents' attacks. Can her fiery personality bring the championship belt home to her family's restaurant?!'
—Official description



Min Min can execute a kick when dashing backwards on the ground or in any direction while in the air which knocks down oncoming attacks. By charging her ARMS for longer than usual or successfully completing a throw, Min Min can transform her left arm into a dragon. While in dragon form, the equipped ARM will significantly increase in size and remain charged indefinitely until Min Min is hit with a charged punch, knocked down, or has the left arm disabled, losing the dragon arm.


Min Min's dragon ARM becomes permanently charged unless she's knocked down. This means that she is able to constantly put mobile pressure, that for other characters would be limited to only a few seconds. Players should use her deflect kicks to deny knockdowns, while being using her charge ARM to bully and harass the opponent constantly, whether up close or at range.

ARM Recommendations[edit]


ARMS that put on notable amounts of pressure and control when charged fit the Ramen Bomber well, because she almost always has a charged ARM. These are good choices:

Version History[edit]

Version history
4.0.0 Normal arm girth increased.

Related Badges[edit]

Main article: Badge Stash
DescriptionRewardDesignUnlock Criteria
Someone's hungry for action!
You've played as Min Min
for 50 rounds!
60Play as Min Min 50 times.
You've entered the ring as Min Min
for 500 rounds! Why fight without
dragon arm if you don't have to?
200Play as Min Min 500 times.
You've burned Min Min 100 times.
Now that's gotta hurt!
100Defeat Min Min 100 times.
Min Min's lost 250 rounds
against you. That's using YOUR noodle!
200Defeat Min Min 250 times.
You reached level 5
in the 2nd Party Crash! Choosing
Min Min really paid off.
30Choose Min Min in the second Party Crash event and reach level 5 (no longer obtainable), or get it randomly from the random badges (levels 15-30) obtainable in future Party Crashes.
You made it to level 10
in the 2nd Party Crash?
Min Min would be so proud.
30Choose Min Min in the second Party Crash event and reach level 10 (no longer obtainable), or get it randomly from the random badges (levels 15-30) obtainable in future Party Crashes.
You reached level 5
in the 12th Party Crash!
Nice work, Min Min!
30Choose Min Min in the twelfth Party Crash event and reach level 5 (no longer obtainable), or get it randomly from the random badges (levels 15-30) obtainable in future Party Crashes.
You reached level 10
in the 12th Party Crash!
Way to be, Min Min!
30Choose Min Min in the twelfth Party Crash event and reach level 10 (no longer obtainable), or get it randomly from the random badges (levels 15-30) obtainable in future Party Crashes.
You've fought in 10 rounds of
Min Min vs. Ninjara!
60Participate in 1-on-1 matches between Min Min and Ninjara adding up to a total of ten or more rounds.
You've fought in 10 rounds of
Misango vs. Min Min!
60Participate in 1-on-1 matches between Misango and Min Min adding up to a total of ten or more rounds.
You won a battle as Min Min using
the Funchuk. Martial arts level-up!
30Defeat an opponent using Min Min equipped with the Funchuk on at least one ARM.
You've fought 10 matches using each Min Min color!60Play 10 matches for each Min Min's 4 color palettes.

Appearances in other media[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

Min Min was included as a downloadable fighter for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on June 29th, 2020 alongside the stage Spring Stadium as ARMS's first playable fighter in the Super Smash Bros. series. She uses her Ramram, Megawatt and Dragon ARMS and can swap her right ARM for any of them mid-battle. She was chosen to be the fighter for ARMS because the game's director, Kosuke Yabuki, requested her.




Default / UpLeftRightDown

Orange and Green

Yellow and Black

Blue and Pink

White and Red

To select a costume, click and hold , then hold in the direction of the desired costume while confirming with .

Victory Animations[edit]

In-game Screenshots[edit]

  • Min Min posing on Ramen Bowl.

  • One of Min Min's victory pose.

Smash Bros Arms Music

Promotional Art[edit]

  • Official art of Min Min eating Ramen.

  • Official animated art of Min Min eating Ramen.

  • Promotional art released alongside Version 3.2.0.

  • Artwork commemorating Min Min's victory of the Party Crash Bash.

In-game Screenshots (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)[edit]

  • Min Min kicking in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Min Min grabbing a ledge in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Min Min punching Little Mac on Boxing Ring in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Min Min firing a fully-charged Megawatt against Captain Falcon on Spring Stadium in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Min Min kicking Wii Fit Trainer in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Min Min posing with Meloetta in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Promotional Art (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)[edit]

  • Depiction in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Official art commemorating Min Min's addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Additional official art commemorating Min Min's addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • The splash art for Min Min joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Grand Prix Ending[edit]

SPOILER ALERT! Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.


  • Min Min was announced during a Nintendo Direct on April 12th, 2017.
  • As her theme suggests, Min Min speaks Chinese and her logo is a stylized version of the Chinese character '麺' (lit. men), meaning 'noodle.'
  • Min Min is the only fighter to be shown with two different ARMS in her official art.
  • The Mintendo Noodle House's name is a portmanteau of 'Min Min' and 'Nintendo.'
  • On the Japanese version of the ARMS website, Min Min's weight is listed as 'On a diet', rather than 'Unimportant'.
  • Min Min is the first fighter to both win a Party Crash and lose one (Stretch to the Limit and Martial Arts Mash-Up respectively).
  • Min Min is the first fighter to be featured in three Party Crashes.
  • Min Min was crowned the ultimate victor of the Party Crash Bash tournament after a victory against Ninjara on June 17th, 2019.
  • In her reveal trailer for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Min Min is seen without her mask in a first for any ARMS fighters (excluding Mechanica); until she puts the mask on, she has normal human arms and lacks the signature spiraled irises, indicating that she toggles her, and implicitly other fighters', access to these traits by choice. Kosuke Yabuki explained to Masahiro Sakurai ARMS fighters are neither cyborgs or mutants, but people who possess the ARMS ability.
  • Min Min is a heavyweight in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at 104 units, equivalent to Link, Yoshi, Captain Falcon, and Mii Gunner. However, weight in the Smash Bros. series sometimes differs from fighters' origin games and could be unofficial.

Names in other languages[edit]

Min Min

Myen Myen
Myen is a Japanese transcription of miàn, noodle in Chinese. Romanized in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a single word ('MinMin'), while the official ARMS website uses the English spelling.
Chinese (Traditional)麵麵
Mihn Mihn
Noodle Noodle
Chinese (Simplified)面面
Miàn Miàn
Noodle Noodle
DutchMin MinMin Min
FrenchMin MinMin Min
GermanMin MinMin Min
ItalianMin MinMin Min
Mien Mien
Transcription of Japanese name.
RussianМинь Минь
Min' Min'
From English name
SpanishMin MinMin Min

The Ramen Bomber

Japanese闘う! ラーメン少女
Tatakau! Rāmen Shōjo
Fighting! Ramen girl. It is probably a parody of a famous manga, Tatakae!! Ramenman
Chinese (Traditional)格鬥拉麵少女
Gaakdau Lāaimihn Síunéuih
拉麵拳法少女 (Grand Prix)
Lāaimihn Kyùhnfaat Síunéuih
The Fighting Ramen Girl
Ramen Kenpo Girl
Chinese (Simplified)格斗拉面少女
Gédòu Lāmiàn Shàonǚ
拉面拳法少女 (Grand Prix)
Lāmiàn Quánfǎ Shàonǚ
The Fighting Ramen Girl
Ramen Kenpo Girl
DutchDe ramenrammerThe ramen rammer
FrenchLa toquée des ramenThe ramen knocker
GermanDie SiegeshungrigeThe Victory Hungry
ItalianL'amante del ramenThe ramen lover
RussianКоролева лапши
Koroleva lapshi
Noodle queen
SpanishLa reina del fideo fritoThe queen of the fried noodle

Arms Dlc Smash

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