
OpenSSH 7.5p1-1. This is an updated OpenSSH 7.5p1-1 installer for both x86 and x64 binaries. There was a major change to this release - for security reasons the server (sshd) MUST run with privilege seperation. As such, the installer and sshdconfig file were updated to support this change. Portable OpenSSH. OpenSSH is a complete implementation of the SSH protocol (version 2) for secure remote login, command execution and file transfer. It includes a client ssh and server sshd, file transfer utilities scp and sftp as well as tools for key generation ( ssh-keygen ), run-time key storage ( ssh-agent) and a number of supporting. All of these restrictively licenced software components which he talks about have been removed from OpenSSH, i.e., - RSA is no longer included, found in the OpenSSL library - IDEA is no longer included, its use is deprecated - DES is now external, in the OpenSSL library - GMP is no longer used, and instead we call BN code from OpenSSL - Zlib is.

OpenSSL is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library. For more information about the team and community around the project, or to start making your own contributions, start with the community page. To get the latest news, download the source, and so on, please see the sidebar or the buttons at the top of every page.

OpenSSL is licensed under an Apache-style license, which basically means that you are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to some simple license conditions.

For a list of vulnerabilities, and the releases in which they were found and fixes, see our Vulnerabilities page.

Latest News

22-Apr-2021Alpha 15 of OpenSSL 3.0 is now available: please download and test it
08-Apr-2021Alpha 14 of OpenSSL 3.0 is now available: please download and test it
25-Mar-2021OpenSSL 1.1.1k is now available, including bug and security fixes
11-Mar-2021Alpha 13 of OpenSSL 3.0 is now available: please download and test it
18-Feb-2021Alpha 12 of OpenSSL 3.0 is now available: please download and test it


Please remember that export/import and/or use of strongcryptography software, providing cryptography hooks, or even justcommunicating technical details about cryptography software isillegal in some parts of the world. So when you import thispackage to your country, re-distribute it from there or evenjust email technical suggestions or even source patches to theauthors or other people you are strongly advised to pay closeattention to any laws or regulations which apply toyou. The authors of OpenSSL are not liable for any violationsyou make here. So be careful, it is your responsibility.

Openssh Source Code

SourceOpenssh repo


Download Openssh Server For Windows

Installed Programs:scp, sftp, ssh, ssh-add, ssh-agent, ssh-copy-id, ssh-keygen, ssh-keyscan, and sshd
Installed Directories:/etc/ssh, /usr/share/doc/openssh-8.5p1, and /var/lib/sshd

Short Descriptions


is a file copy program that acts like rcp except it uses an encrypted protocol


is an FTP-like program that works over the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols


is an rlogin/rsh-like client program except it uses an encrypted protocol Apple airplay download for mac.


is a daemon that listens for ssh login requests


is a tool which adds keys to the ssh-agent


is an authentication agent that can store private keys


is a script that enables logins on remote machines using local keys


is a key generation tool


is a utility for gathering public host keys from a number of hosts