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Mokey's Show is a webseries created by MokeySr. Pelo which parodies

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Mickey MouseMonkey. All of the videos are nonsensical in nature. The videos follow our titular hero along with his friends Dilan and Grooby, his girlfriend Momi (pronounced 'Moh-mee'), and his archenemy Put (pronounced 'Poot') as they do things like celebrating Christmas, going to the beach, and smoking weed. Usually while being really loud while still managing to be entertaining. All of the episodes can be found right here.

Mickey Mouse

  1. Dilan and Grooby share the knowledge of mathematics with MokeyIf you want to react to any video, make a youtub.
  2. Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!twitter.com/SrPelosrpelo.deviantart.com/www.facebook.com/123PendejosIf you want to react to any video, make a youtube.

The Moke is back, baby! Relive your youth with this British/Caribbean classic. Plug in and go green with the only electric Moke in America. Moke America is street legal, easy to charge and comes in a rainbow of fun colors.


Download prism for mac. Also check out The Dolan Webcomic series featuring Morky, Dolan, and Gooby to see the first parody characters, which inspired Sr. Pelo's own Disney parody series.


  • Acid-Trip Dimension: Mokey sees one after he ate the weed instead of smoking it.
  • April Fools' Plot: The aptly-named April Fools Day episode has Mokey and his friends pulling pranks on him until Mokey shoots them both and realizes too late he used a real gun.
  • Ax-Crazy: Mokey, who's willing to flip out at the drop of a hat. In the Halloween 2016 episode, he nearly shoots his friends again after freaking out at the sight of Dilan's Exorcist mask.
    • Momi becomes such in Is Not Christmas.
  • Big Bad: Put is usually the main antagonist of the episodes he appears in.
  • Catchphrase:
    • 'OH BOY!!' for Mokey.
    • 'Ahyug' for Grooby.
    • “I’m gonna call the police” for Momi
  • Berserk Button: DO NOT shoot at The Sun.
  • The Cameo: A long line of them in The Sun, all waiting for ice cream.note
    • In Is Not Christmas, John Cena appears to do an Elbow Drop (but you can't see him). Susan Wojcicki makes an appearance when Mokey heads to the HQ of YouTube itself for help. PewDiePie also appears as a smoke grenade thrown by Momi.
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    • Another long line appears in Painful Christmas.
    • In 'Contagious Christmas', Mokey effortlessly defeats Cirno simply by lightly punching her in the chest, which somehow makes her entire upper body explode. Later, after Mokey defeats COVID-19 by wearing a mask, Reimu and Marisa are among those applauding him, and Gendo and Asuka congratulate him.
  • Degraded Boss: The 'Krima' or Krimah Demon, initially these demons are treated as unique enemies, but in 'A Christmas Hope' they are simply the foot soldiers/ Mooks of the Krampus army.
  • Deranged Animation: Why of course!
  • Diabolus ex Machina: The Christmas episodes usually end with the devil coming in and ruining Christmas by slapping everyone to death.
  • Driven to Suicide: In Contagious Christmas, Momi is forced to stay inside for quarantine. Knowing she can't go outside to escape Mokey and his Christmas shenanigans, she enters a room with a noose and prepares to hang herself.. until she gets hit with a mug by Mokey, who doesn't have Christmas spirit yet.
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  • Drugs Are Bad: After 4/22 (an episode about cocaine) is done, Sr Pelo says that drugs are bad and you shouldn't do it. .. Only to realize he's a cartoon. Cut to the real life Sr Pelo doing cocaine. (Actually flour, but still.)
  • Early Installment Weirdness: The first video to feature Mokey was a 20-second video called Welcome to Disnehy. It had no plot to speak of, it was just Mokey, Grooby, and Dilan saying their catchphrases and generally acting weird, and ending with a clip from Disney's Magical Quest. Also, Mokey's voice was deeper in this video, and he doesn't scream.
  • Enforced Plug: The Christmas 2016 episode suddenly turns into Mokey plugging the Loot Crate deal Sr. Pelo had gotten before Mokey shows up to get help.
  • The Face of the Sun: 'The sun' depicts it as both looking and acting sadistic.
  • Flipping the Bird: In the Halloween Episode, Mokey does this to Momi when she tells him and his friends that they're too old to go trick-or-treating.
    Mokey: Momi? I think you are blind.
    Momi: BLIND?! I am not blind Mokey!
    Mokey: Yes you are, Momi. You can't see.
    Momi: SEE?!?! SEE WHAT MOKEY?!
    Mokey: (flipping the bird) THIS, BETCH!!!
  • Fun with Subtitles: His subtitles that he (or other people) make can be entertaining to read.
  • Gainax Ending: Almost all the episodes end on this, or No Ending at all.
    • The 2020 Christmas episode references this trope by having Gendo and Asuka show up to congratulate Mokey after he drives off COVID-19 by wearing a mask.
  • The Grinch: Momi hates Christmas and she attempted to ruin it once in 'Is Not Christmas'. Considering all the crap Mokey's put her during that holiday every year, it's hard to blame her.
  • Heat Wave: 'The sun'.
  • I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Mokey accidentally shoots both of his friends with what he thought was a fake gun.
  • Jerkass: Mokey acts like an asshole quite often. If it's not him being a prick, it's Momi and Put.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: Mokey is constantly cruel to his girlfriend Momi, which would be pretty horrible if it were not because she is even worse than him.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The Fruit Man and Krampus could count as this.
  • Loudness War/ Sensory Abuse: YES.
  • Manchild: Mokey in the (Way Before) Christmas and Halloween 2016 episodes. He believes Santa is real, gets way too excited about Trick-or-Treating and Christmas, freaks out when things go wrong, and generally acts well below his normal age.
  • Marijuana Is LSD: The weed in '420' causes him to enter an Acid-Trip Dimension.
  • Nightmare Face: The faces the characters make in later episodes become more and more grotesque.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: If you choose NO in the video Slunder Mokey will stare at the viewer for a few seconds then it will change into a page that says HELP ME, nothing else happens in the video.
  • Non-Standard Character Design:
    • Santa and Jesus are static images taken from old-timey illustrations such as one would see on a holiday card.
    • Krampus, who is more smoothly animated than the other characters.
    • The 'normal people' in 'An Abnormal Halloween' are stock photos of people. They can move by sliding around, but otherwise have no animation at all.
  • Police Are Useless: In 'Mokey's Show - April Fool's Day', the police don't take Momi's call to them about Mokey trying to kill her seriously because of the date.
  • Puff of Logic: Put does this Santa in It's too early for Christmas! Negating what would have been Santa's Big Damn Heroes moment. He later attempts to do it on Jesus but is Killed Mid-Sentence. Jesus then makes Santa return by stating he is Real After All.
  • Refuge in Audacity: The 9/11 episode. The crisis is averted because the plane misses one of the Twin Towers by a mile.. Until Momi blows up.
  • Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue..: A Valentine Mokey gives to Momi begins with this, and ends with, 'FUCK YOU'.
  • Running Gag: Momi calling the police.
    • Whenever Grooby introduces Mokey to a modified drug, Mokey says that said drug is very very bad, and a gross-up shows on his face whenever he shouts the word bad.
    • Mokey abusing Momi on Christmas.
  • 'Scooby-Doo' Hoax: Parodied in the two Halloween episodes. In the first, Put turns out to be dressing as the monstrous Fruit Man..but then Momi turns out to be a disguise worn by a real Fruit Man. In the second, Grooby dresses up as the threat to get back at Mokey for turning down trick-or-treating.
  • Servile Snarker: Momi's butler in 'Thanksgiving' goes beyond this, being foul-mouthed and outright disrespectful to her while doing his job.
  • Smash Cut: Used a lot.
  • Shout-Out:
    • To The Shining in the April Fools Day episode.
    • The Halloween Episode opens with Mokey shouting part of the lyrics to 'This is Halloween'.
    • In Is Not Christmas, Mokey makes a reference to Fist of the North Star before defeating Momi.
  • Spoonerism: In 'Halloween', Put calls Mokey 'the Mucking Fouse'.
  • Sudden Downer Ending: Mokey almost never has happy endings. Just when it seems like the video is going to end well, something terrible happens (often Mokey and his friends getting killed by the police, demons, or something else.)
  • Suicide Attack: Momi performs this in the 9/11 episode.
  • Stylistic Suck: Pelo's artistic talents tend to not manifest in the series' usual art style, but rather in Mokey and friends' facial expressions.
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: The 'normal people' in 'An Abnormal Halloween' are voiced by text-to-speech programs rather than by Pelo himself, making them some of the very few characters in all of Pelo's videos that he didn't voice.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: Happens a lot.
  • The Unintelligible: Dilan, who only makes indistinguishable Donald Duck noises, presumably mocking the real character's hard-to-understand speech. Doesn't stop anyone from having trouble understanding him.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Mokey gives Dilan's nephew Suck a pretty mean black eye for not being in the Christmas spirit.

